Saturday, December 30, 2006

Take our online poll!

Each week, the Glenville Democrat/Pathfinder online edition will offer an opinion poll. People will have a chance to let their votes add up on issues facing their communities, the county, and the nation.

If you'd like a sneak peak at the first poll, click here.

Let us know if you've missed having the newspaper conveniently located online!

Web-Only features on the NEW Glenville newspaper site

Having our newspaper on the web gives us a great opportunity to share information with people all over the world - especially former residents of Gilmer County would still like to know what is happening in the communities where they grew up.

One web-only feature we'll be introducing to the new site is Looking Back at Gilmer, which will highlight headlines from years - and sometimes decades - in the past.

Another section of the online paper which won't be available in the print edition is World WEIRD Web. This space will introduce to visitors websites a little off the beaten internet track. Sometimes we'll feature humorous sites, and sometimes they may just be bizarre. But none will be X- or R-rated, and we guarantee your overall curiosity will make you want to take a look.

And on Jan. 4, 2007, ALL will be revealed!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What'll be new about the NEW

We've come up with lots of extra goodies for visitors to the Glenville Democrat/Pathfinder website this time around.

For one thing, we've automated the Gilmer Goings On process. This means that anyone with a computer who wants to submit a "GGO" may do so by filling out an online form and submitting it electronically. How great is that?

In addition to this, we're offering a more comprehensive look at the weather via an RSS feed.

We're also hoping that locals will benefit from the extensive Regional Resources section we've built into the site - city, county and state info will be a click away, as well as emergency contact numbers: police, fire, ambulance, etc.

The Local Correspondents aren't going anywhere, so it will be easy to keep up with all the news in Gilmer's small communities.

This isn't ALL we've put together for readers! But we'll let this sink in for now, and post about further enhancements later on.

Friday, December 22, 2006

January 4 is our launch date

Sharpen up your bookmarking fingers, as we've set the date for launching The Return of the Glenville Democrat/Pathfinder Online.

On January 4, 2007, Gilmer Countians - and everyone else - will be able to take a look at the new and improved online newspaper.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Glenville Democrat & Pathfinder online will return

Gilmer County West Virginia's Glenville Democrat/Pathfinder newspaper will be back online starting with the January 4, 2007 issue.

Check this blog until then for updates on new features to the online edition.